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Frequently Asked Questions
How is Reiki a holistic approach to my well-being?Reiki promotes healing by activating the relaxation response in the body. Reiki gives the body support for releasing stress, which is directly linked to the top causes of death in the United States. Recovery times after surgery or injuries are improved. Painful emotions tied to past events or traumas can be released. Reiki is a complimentary and not an alternative to your current medical plan. Reiki supports continuing to work with your medical doctor or holistic practitioner with any medications you have been prescribed. Reiki Practitioners do not diagnose nor prescribe. When you are experiencing a medical or psychological occurrence, it is recommended that you see a licensed medical healthcare professional in addition to receiving Reiki sessions.
What can I expect after a Reiki session?Some people feel very calm, peaceful or even energized. You can also feel tired. Listen to you body! Reiki is not any different than medicine, you most likely did not get the issue ‘overnight’ and it is not likely ‘to go away' overnight, either. Some people experience a mild natural detoxification as the body adjusts to the energy shift. Drinking water so that the toxins are flushed out more readily is advised and will be helpful to you.
Can you have too much Reiki?Reiki has not been found to have any adverse effects.
Can I Learn Reiki?Anyone can learn Reiki. The ability to learn Reiki energy healing is a natural human ability that anyone can easily acquire. The practice of Reiki is not affiliated with any particular philosophy or religion. Anyone, regardless of his or her particular religious affiliation or faith can learn Reiki.
Is it OK to combine Reiki with my medical care?Reiki is now being embraced by many prestigious hospitals, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and many Hospice and Cancer Centers, including others around the world. According to the American Hospital Association, over 800 American hospitals offer Reiki as part of standard hospital services.
If I am a non-believer, will I still benefit from a Reiki session?A person does not need to believe in the effectiveness of Reiki for it to work. Animals and plants are not concerned with belief systems, and Reiki works for them just fine.
Is there anyone who should avoid reiki?Is there anyone who should avoid reiki? A: No. It’s a gentle therapy that’s safe for anyone, including babies and seniors.
Is Reiki safe?Yes, Reiki is 100% safe. It does not have any side effects. It works only for the person’s highest good.
What are some of the benefits of Reiki?Relaxation with a feeling of peace Restful sleep Relief from stress, anxiety, and depression Emotional healing Increased feeling of mental strength and wellbeing Reduced or alleviated pain Supports the body in healing itself Clearing toxins from the body Supports allopathic and holistic treatment Reduction of side-effects from medications, chemotherapy and anesthesia Supports a strong Immune System Spiritual connection to a Higher Power Enhanced meditations Personal growth Development and trust of intuition
How do I find a qualified practitioner?A: While there are various certifying bodies for Reiki, there are no minimum standards practitioners need to achieve. Your best bet is to find someone you feel comfortable with and can trust. Before you book your first session, ask questions: Which style do they use? Where did they learn to do reiki? How long have they been practicing?
How often should I have a treatment?A subtle improvement can be noticed after the first session. Typically, three or four sessions over the first few weeks are usually recommended. This helps to remove deep-seated stagnation in your energy system. Then every two weeks is recommended, until the issue is resolved. When the issue has resolved, most people like to have a Reiki session every 4-6 weeks to support the body's wellness. It may take five to six visits to notice a marked improvement. Supporting the physical body with good nutrition and exercise is advised in any healing plan.
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